Affiliate Agreement

This agreement (“Agreement”) describes the terms and conditions for participation in the
( By Freelancer Hassan Khan) Affiliate Program. The terms “Affiliate,” “you,” and
“your” are referring to Amazon Affiliate Program, the person who is applying to participate in
our affiliate program. “We” and “our” refer to ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan).
You and we are independent parties and you agree that this Agreement shall not create any form
of partnership or employer-employee relationship between us. If you are accepting this
Agreement on behalf of another person or a company, you agree that you have authority to bind


To be eligible to participate as an affiliate, you must be at least eighteen (18) years old, and have
a valid tax ID or social security number. If you are in the United States you must complete a W9
form or its equivalent in your country. During the registration process you may be asked to
provide certain information. In providing this information you represent and agree that all
information is, and will remain, truthful and current.

We reserve the right to determine whether you are eligible or terminate your participation with us
at any time, without notice. We reserve the right to terminate your account at any time without
notice or reason, but specifically we may do so if you or your site violates any term of this
Agreement or any applicable law. Termination of your account for breach or violation of law may
include forfeiture of any compensation owed and disgorgement of any already paid.


This Agreement will begin upon our acceptance of your affiliate application and will end when
terminated by either party, but we may terminate this agreement at any time, without notice, for
your breach or violation of law.

Termination may occur at any time, with or without cause, by giving the other party written
notice of the termination in accordance with this Agreement. Once the Agreement is terminated,
you will immediately cease your participation with the site, remove any offers, content, links or
creative that has been provided to you by us or our advertisers. Once terminated you will forfeit
any rights to any compensation from the date of termination.
We may also reject any application if you are from a state that currently imposes a tax on the sale
of goods or services by affiliates (i.e. nexus tax) and the advertiser does not wish to promote its
products in that state through you.


We may modify any of the terms and conditions within this Agreement at any time and at our
sole discretion, regardless of the dissimilarity that may occur between the amended version of the
Agreement and the original version. These modifications may include, but are not limited to,
changes in the scope of available referral fees, fee schedules, payment procedures and rules
relating to our affiliate program. If any of the modifications are unacceptable to you, you must
immediately terminate this Agreement and notify us of such notification; you must not continue
participating in the affiliate program. By continuing to participate in the program following the
posting of a Change Notice or amendments to this Agreement, you are indicating that you accept
the modifications and agree to comply with them.


The schedule for you to receive compensation is based on the occurrence of a valid event, which
is governed by the terms of the offer and its requirements. We reserve the right, in our sole
discretion, to determine the validity of any event that would lead to compensation to you.
Furthermore, we will have no obligation to pay for invalid actions or if the advertiser(s) fails to
remit payment.

Depending on the particular offer, your compensation may be based on (PERCENTGE AS
CATEGORIES ) % of the gross revenue or Rs.____._ per sale as a commission from the
particular valid action that would trigger compensation to you (i.e. orders placed through your
Affiliate Site). You will only be paid for legitimate compensation that was earned, which is
determined by us in our sole discretion. Payment will be made by an approved method that will
be posted on the site, and in U.S. Dollars unless otherwise agreed to by both parties in writing.
You will be paid only once you have reached a payment threshold of at least Rs.50.00USD (or
another number agreed in writing by both parties) and paid on terms of a schedule of
___________days after the last day of the calendar month or another time frame which has been
agreed upon in writing by both parties.

(Amazon Affiliate Program)

For a sale to generate a commission to an Affiliate, the customer must complete the order form,
remit full payment for the service ordered, and have their installation completed. You will receive
______% for orders placed through the Affiliate Sites of those sub-Affiliates which you have
sponsored into the __________ Affiliate Program. Affiliate commissions will only be paid on
sales which are made through qualified Affiliates.
Compensation can only be earned between the acceptance of the Affiliate application and notice
of termination. Fees will be paid on the first day of each month by ( By Freelancer
Hassan Khan). Any returned checks, chargebacks, or fees from a returned order will be adjusted in
the following fee payment. If no fee payment is due, a billing invoice for the amount will be

Affiliates must have an active link on their website. In order to qualify for commissions on subaffiliate sales in any given month, an affiliate must personally sell at least one order during that
month. Affiliate will also be responsible for all taxes and fees that they may incur.


( By Freelancer Hassan Khan) will be solely responsible for processing every order
placed by a customer on the Affiliate and sub-affiliate sites. Customers who purchase products
and services through the ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan) will be deemed to be customers
of ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan). Prices and availability of our products and services
may vary from time to time. ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan) policies will always
determine the price paid by the customer. We reserve the right to reject any order that does not
comply with our rules, operating procedures and policies.


As stated above, your eligibility to participate depends on several things including how you
promote the products or services. ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan) reserves the right, in
its sole discretion and without explanation to you, to reject your participation in the (
By Freelancer Hassan Khan) based on site content. For example, Sites that do not qualify for the
( By Freelancer Hassan Khan) Affiliate Program include, but are not limited to, sites
 -Are X- rated and promote sexually explicit materials
 -Promote violence and discord.
 -Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual
orientation, or age
 -Promote illegal or questionable activities
 -Violate intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties
 – Sites that use spyware, malware, or adware
 – Sites that collect personal information about visitors without their knowledge
 – Sites that iframe any offer
 – Sites that impersonate any person or give the impression that the Site is endorsed by any
particular person
 – Sites that are unable to direct reasonable amounts of traffic
 – Sites that are under construction
 – Sites that require a login/password, unless approved by us
 – Sites that contain exit pops or ghost pixel firing
 – Sites that use fake news stories or are created in a way to resemble a news site (flogs,
 -Violate any law of any applicable jurisdiction
 -Would otherwise bring our ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan) Affiliate Program
into disrepute
We reserve the sole right to determine whether your website is disqualified from our program due
to the above restrictions.


You must not under any circumstances engage in fraudulent, unfair, or deceptive practices when
participating in our ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan). This includes, but is not limited to,
the practice commonly known as “cookie stuffing,” offering non-existent incentives as a reward
for purchasing items, or any other fraudulent, unfair, or deceptive practice. We reserve the right
to determine, in our sole discretion, whether you or your site has utilized any fraudulent method
or is engaging in deceptive tactics. We may suspend or terminate your account if we have any
reason to believe that you are committing fraud or deceit and at any time, in our sole discretion. If
your account is suspended or terminated for fraud you will forgo any rights to compensation both
paid, and unpaid.


Unsolicited Commercial E-mail – ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan) in no way participates
in mass unsolicited e-mailing (i.e. spamming), and all Affiliates are expected not to do anything
that would violate this policy. Violation of this policy will result in the termination of the
Agreement and immediate dismissal from the ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan) Affiliate
Program, with no refund or payments made for affiliate commissions earned.
Once you are approved, and so long as you remain eligible, you are granted a non-exclusive,
revocable, limited non-transferable license to use materials that are provided to you by us or an
advertiser for a particular offer. You do not have any intellectual property rights in any of those
materials. Furthermore, any data that is collected or generated through your efforts, use, or
participation are deemed to be confidential information of our company and become wholly
owned by us.

This information is proprietary to us, and is considered a trade secret. You will remain
responsible for its accuracy and safeguarding it, which includes not reproducing it or storing it in
unsecure locations. You will not disclose any of this data to anyone outside of this Agreement
and will notify us within two (2) hours if you believe the data or your site has been compromised.
You will be liable to us for any claims, whether brought or threatened, that is connected to the use
or misuse of our site or the data.


You agree not to hold us liable for any damages related to issues beyond our control, including
but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, insurrection, riots, criminal activity, natural
disasters, disruption of communications or infrastructure, labor shortages or disruptions
(including unlawful strikes), shortages of materials, and any other events which are not within our


You agree to indemnify us for and defend against any actions by third parties related to your
participation in our program. For example, if you violate our anti-spam policy, and we get sued as
a result of your activity, you must indemnify us for the damages and legal fees that you cause us
to incur.


We make no express or implied warranties or representations with respect to the Affiliate
Program or your potential to earn income from the ( By Freelancer Hassan Khan)
Affiliate Program. In addition, we make no representation that the operation of our site or the
Affiliate Sites will be uninterrupted or error-free, and we will not be liable for the consequences
of any interruptions or down time. We express disclaim all warranties, whether written or oral.
We will not be liable for any damages that you, or any third party, may incur as a result of your
use or misuse of our site or promotion of any offer or loss of any data. In jurisdictions that limit
or do not allow these exclusions our maximum liability will not exceed any amounts paid to you
within the previous three (3) payment cycles.


If any Court strikes down any provision or sentence of this Agreement the rest shall remain intact
and in full force and effect.

This Agreement will be governed by the laws applicable in the State of (Insert your state here),
without reference to rules governing conflicts of laws. Any action relating to this Agreement must
be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction located in (Insert Your City and State Here), or if
no such court of competent jurisdiction exists in that geographical area, then the next closest
court which has jurisdiction to hear the action; you irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of these
and only these courts. The prevailing party in any dispute or legal action will be entitled to its
reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

You may not assign your rights or obligations under this Agreement, by operation of law or
otherwise, without our prior written consent. We, however, may assign or transfer our rights and
obligations under this Agreement to a third party where we believe it appropriate?for example, if
we sell our business to a third party. Subject to that restriction, this Agreement will be binding on,
inure to the benefit of, and enforceable against the parties and their respective successors and
assigns. Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will
not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision
of this Agreement.

By submitting this Affiliate Agreement form, you acknowledge that you have read this agreement
and agree to all its terms and conditions. You have independently evaluated this program and are
not relying on any representation, guarantee, or statement other than as set forth in this

(Optional) you may choose not to have the following rule with your program.
*Please note that NO COMMISSION is paid on your original purchase of ( By
Freelancer Hassan Khan). In other words you cannot buy from yourself or be your first purchase
for the sole purpose of discounting your own product purchase.
I have read the terms of this agreement and I accept. By Hassan Khan
[email protected]

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